On-site demos & Technical Safaries

We have made some exciting arrangements for you and your partners (Partners can join a Technical safari free of charge) to enjoy unique technological and operational experience related to smart Engineering assets and infrastructures. Our ‘Live@5’ on-site demos will take place at 17.00 hrs., on the 24th and 25th Sept. The ‘Technical safaris’ are planned on the 26th Sept.


On-Site Demos ‘Live@5’

Industrial robotics

KVS Technologies specializes in robotics for critical infrastructure and real time management systems for industrial applications. They will demonstrate, present and display robotics and remote controlled equipment with sensors and manipulator functions.

Teaming of robots and humans is the key to solve many of the risk challenges in our society and creating a more effective workday. To achieve this, KVS create technology and systems that lead the way when danger to humans is present during high risk operations and in challenging, hazardous and remote areas. The technology is based on experience from the world leading Norwegian Subsea Industry, that has matured through decades of complex operations on the Norwegian continental shelf. The technology is further built upon research on underwater robotics, comprehensive knowledge in the fields of wireless data transfer, robotics, embedded systems and cyber physical systems. The goal is to push the boundaries of what can be done with unmanned technology and integrated mobile solutions


Industrial drones

Nordic Unmanned deliver products and services based on the latest unmanned technology. Their goal is to reduce or eliminate risks, save costs, and increase capabilities for our clients. They will present and display drones and survey equipment which can be used on land, under the sea and in the air.

Unmanned technology has reached a level of maturity that enables wider commercial use, making it relevant for a lot of different target groups and industries. Nordic Unmanned cooperates with the world’s leading technology developers and manufacturers in unmanned systems on land, in air and under water. We tailor solutions based on your needs for data, sensors or camera. The systems Nordic Unmanned introduce to the marked is cutting-edge proven technology that have been tested in the most extreme environments on the planet. Unmanned systems is the future solution to reduce risk and cost while it can provide data from inaccessible areas.


Technical Safaris

All safaris are Free of Charge to all registered delegates to the World Congress.


Tour de Tunnel

Experience the construction of the World’s longest and the deepest underwater Tunnel (40 persons max)

Robotic Rigs

Experience the Automoted future of Drilling technology in a continuous motion test rig (40 persons max)


Experience the Next Generation Farming Methods with remotely controlled heavy Agri machinery in the field (50 persons max)

Integrated and Remote Operation

Experience the realm of Smart Oil & Gas asset operations and the adventures of working offshore from onshore (50 persons max)

Data inside a Green mountain

Experience the technologies and operations of a modern Digital data center inside a Norwegian green mountain (30 persons max)